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assignment # 1

  Mass communication 201   News Reporting Assignment 1 Robin Umar 18-11097 News Values News values are important in news. Following are the news values.      1.      Timeliness (Current)      2.      Proximity (Area of your interest)      3.      Number of people      4.      Prominent Personalities      5.      Conflict      6.      Human emotions      7.      Impact      8.      Bizarre (Unexpected)      9.      Expected      10.      Currency (Trending)      11.      Continuity      12.      Novelty (Uniqueness)      13.      Prominence (How often has this happened?)      14.      Unambiguity (clear and definite)   1.     Timeliness: This is recent news published on Wednesday 5 th November, 2020.      2.     Proximity: The war between the PTI and PML (N) is the breaking news since PTI won recent elections.      3.     Prominent Personalities: Few prominent personalities were mentioned in the news. Chief Minister of information Dr. Fir

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