assignment # 1

 Mass communication 201  

News Reporting

Assignment 1

Robin Umar


News Values

News values are important in news. Following are the news values.

    1.     Timeliness (Current)

    2.     Proximity (Area of your interest)

    3.     Number of people

    4.     Prominent Personalities

    5.     Conflict

    6.     Human emotions

    7.     Impact

    8.     Bizarre (Unexpected)

    9.     Expected

    10.    Currency (Trending)

    11.    Continuity

    12.    Novelty (Uniqueness)

    13.    Prominence (How often has this happened?)

    14.    Unambiguity (clear and definite)


1.    Timeliness: This is recent news published on Wednesday 5th November, 2020.

    2.    Proximity: The war between the PTI and PML (N) is the breaking news since PTI won recent elections.

    3.    Prominent Personalities: Few prominent personalities were mentioned in the news. Chief Minister of information Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan and Maryam Nawaz was the highlight in the news.

    4.    Conflict: Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan gave few heated statements against PML (N), PDM, Jati Umra.

    5.    No. of People: Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan pointing out the PDM, which includes multiple opposition parties and number of their members who are supporting them.

    6.    Human Emotions: In the statements of Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan she was targeting opposition leaders by bringing in the factor of patriotism. In one of her statement she said, “Opposition are becoming tools in the hands of foreign masters and working to destabilize Pakistan and break its national security and defense lines.

    7.    Impact: The impact will be huge if government cancels the Maryam Nawaz bail.

    8.    Currency: This news is going on trending section as Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan is the new minister of information and is standing against the whole PDM.

    9.     Novelty: Maryam Nawaz is on the bail and performing the responsibilities as a leader of PML (N). So, if government cancels the bail it would be difficult for PML (N) and PDM to stand firm.

    10.   Continuity:  As I have mentioned before the war between the PTI and PML (N) is the breaking news since PTI won recent elections. The (arrest, bail, sickness, etc) drama is going on since 2018 and this will continue till we have elections again.

1.    Timeliness: This is recent news published on Wednesday 5th November, 2020.

2.    Proximity: Proximity is the news value because the cases of blasphemy take special interest of audience.

3.    No. of people: The number of people mattered here because it says local clerics gathered around the bank and observed shutter-down strike. They announced all-out support for Nawaz, who was in police custody.

4.    Conflict: The other guard who worked in the night shift claimed that he did not hear any conversation between the manager and the guard before the gunshots. A local police officer claimed that Hanif (Manager) had developed a grudge against Nawaz (Guard) and sacked him from duty few months ago. He also said that this could be a case of retribution rather than blasphemy.

5.    Human emotions: Human emotions are involved whenever we hear about the case of blasphemy. The guard shots the manger for what he alleged, “Uttering insulting remarks about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).”

6.    Impact: The impact was huge for local clerics and for readers also as this is the case of blasphemy.

7.    Bizarre: This incident happened at a bank which is unexpected in every sense. How Muslim people can speak false about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?

8.    Novelty: This news is unique because it starts as a case of blasphemy and later it says this is case of retribution.

9.    Prominence: These cases getting spotlight because it is related to a religious disobedience which no religion would allow and no person would tolerate. 

10.          Unambiguity: After reading the details it is clear that it is not a blasphemy case, it is related to retribution.

1.    Timeliness: This is recent news published on Wednesday 5th November, 2020.

2.    Proximity: This news is related to COVID and educational institutions which is the main hard hurdle for government ever since Covid situations start getting worse.

3.    No. of people: There are thousands of people studying and teaching in educational institutions in Punjab.

4.    Prominent Personality: Punjab school education minister Murad Raas is the prominent personality in the news.

5.    Human Emotions: Minister launches food program in 100 primary schools which a generous act.

6.    Impact: As the news says educational institutions may be closed if covid situation worse, it will affect the studies of children and income of thousands of teachers.

7.    Bizarre: He said 400 students and teachers of different schools had tested positive for the coronavirus in the province of Punjab and if the situation further deteriorated the closure of the schools could be planned.

8.    Currency: Every news related to COVID-19 is the trending news for last 8 months.

9.    Continuity: This battling decision related to opening and closure of the educational institutions will remain unless we can have a vaccine for coronavirus.

10.          Prominence: Educational institutions got closed about 8 months ago when we just starting to deal with coronavirus.  This lockdown of educational institutions may happen again.

1.    Timeliness: This is recent news published on Wednesday 5th November, 2020.

2.    Proximity: The case related to harassment is always of an interest for many people.

3.    No. of people: For the main case only 5 people were involved, but later police force, judiciary and even a common man got involved in it.

4.    Human emotions: This news got the spotlight because the woman was raped in front of her children by 2 men.

5.    Impact: This news affects the mentality of audience so that they may know rape is not acceptable in Pakistan.

6.    Bizarre: The co-suspect confessed to have committed the crime on the instructions of the key suspect.

7.    Currency: This case was the trending for last two months because the key suspect was not in the police custody.

8.    Novelty: Rape cases are the unique in their own way.

9.    Expectedness: Whole nation was hopeful that police will catch the culprit and punish him according to the law.

10.          Prominence: we have been dealing with so many rape cases for last few years but now we are hopeful that people would know that rape is not just a crime.

1.     Timeliness: This is recent news published on Wednesday 5th November, 2020.

2.    Proximity: Cricket is the most popular game in the Pakistan so every news related to cricket is of an interest for most of the people

3.    No. of people: Lahore Qalandars sign MoU for Talent hunt with TEVTA, which gives an opportunity to many skilled cricketers to show their talent.

4.     Prominent Personalities: CEO Lahore Qalandars Atif Rana, Director Cricket operations Aaqib Javed and the chairperson TEVTA Ali Salman Siddiqui were the prominent personalities in the news.

5.    Human Emotions: People already have their emotions linked with cricket, but this chance to show their talent and join LQ is of joy for many cricketers.

6.    Impact: The team of Lahore Qalandars has been entertainer in the PSL but they never won a PSL series. This talent hunt might affect the performance of the team of LQ.

7.    Bizarre: This talent hunt by LQ franchise is something no one ever expected.

8.    Currency: PSL itself is most trending league, so this talent hunt is trending news for many cricketers.

9.    Continuity: This talent hunt will continue for longer period of time and we will see its affect in the next PSL.

10.          Unambiguity: This is clear that the cricketers chosen in this hunt will be given chance to play in the next PSL.

1.    Timeliness: This is recent news published on Wednesday 5th November, 2020.

2.    Proximity: The war between Israel and Palestine is of an interest to many people.

3.    No. of people: Israel’s army demolished the homes of nearly 80 Palestinian Bedouins in the occupied West bank.

4.    Prominent personalities: Palestinian Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, US president Donald Trump were mentioned in the news.

5.    Conflict: The branch of Israel’s army responsible for civilian affairs in the West Bank said that it has destroyed structures built illegally in a firing zone in the Jordan Valley.

6.    Human emotions: Palestinian’s say that around 80 people are homeless which gives sad emotion.

7.    Bizarre: Israeli Prime Minister said that plan was given green light in January by US president Donald Trump.

8.    Currency: This news is trending news because this will affect the relations Israel is trying to make with United Arab Emirates. 

9.    Continuity: We will get updates related to this news because of the affairs of Israel and UAE.

10.          Prominence: This war between Israel and Palestine has been continuing for years. We may about hear some updates when Israel is done with UAE.

1.    Timeliness: This is recent news published on Wednesday 5th November, 2020.

2.    Proximity: The news related to COVID and educational institutions is the main hard hurdle for government ever since Covid situation starts getting worse.

3.    No. of people: District health officer said that 19 confirmed patients of Covid-19 were reported from the premises of educational institutions.

4.    Human emotions: In order to prevent the further spread of Covid-19, we need to implement the smart lockdown as 8 people already lost their lives.

5.    Impact: As the news says to put smart lockdown on educational institutions, it will affect the studies of children and income of thousands of teachers.

6.    Bizarre: During last couple of days 8 people lost their lives because of corona virus.

7.    Currency: News related to COVID-19 is the trending news for last 8 months.

8.    Continuity: This is a battling decision for assistant commissioner to impose smart lockdown on these educational institutions.

9.    Prominence: Educational institutions got closed about 8 months ago when we just starting to deal with coronavirus.  This lockdown of educational institutions may happen again.

10.          Novelty: Out of 19 cases 10 were reported only from BZU.

1.    Timeliness: This is recent news published on Wednesday 5th November, 2020.

2.    Proximity: The issue of price hikes is trending nowadays.

3.    No. of people: CM visited Sahulat bazaar and take notice of the price and availability of grocery items which is helpful for millions of people.

4.    Prominent personalities: Chief Minister Usman Buzdar, district health officer Dr. Sajjad Gilani, Deputy Commissioner Usman Ali and DPO Faisal Shahzad were present.

5.    Conflict: There was a complaint of sugar shortage responding t which CM directed to improve the sugar supply.

6.    Impact: As CM directed to improve the supply of sugar this will be beneficial for the people of the town.

7.    Bizarre: Usman Buzdar’s surprise visit to sahulat bazaars in Okara was an unexpected move.

8.    Novelty: While responding to the request of a resident he directed provincial minister to sort out the issue of the elderly man.

9.    Expectedness: As it was a surprise visit, we expect some positive outcomes.

10.          Ambiguity: It is clear he visited there to help people and take notice for the food items.

1.    Timeliness: This is recent news published on Wednesday 5th November, 2020.

2.    Proximity: Gilgit-Baltistan is about to be declared as a separate province.

3.    No. of people: There is a huge number of people living in GB and many parties are working to win the elections.

4.    Prominat Personalities: Chief election commissioner Raja Shahbaz Khan, chairman PPP Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, federal ministers Murad Saeed and Ali Amin Gandapur were in the details of the group.

5.    Conflict: Sherry Rehman asked Why the election commission GB has not issued notices to Prime Minister Imran Khan and federal minister for violation of code of conduct.

6.    Impact: Election Commission rejected the talks of pre-poll rigging days ahead of GB assembly elections. This will affect the elections.

7.    Currency: Gilgit-Baltistan is about to be declared as a separate province so the issue are for the elections are the highlights for nowadays.

8.    Continuity: The news related to GB polling and elections will come forward by time as it is peak time for all parties to win there.

9.    Novelty: Raja Shahbaz Khan said, there are returning officers in 24 constituencies who have not seen any rigging but they can see it while sitting 600 km away.

10.          Prominence: The rigging at polling stations is regular topic for many politicians. This talk has been going between political parties for years and will go on.

1.    Timeliness: This is recent news published on Wednesday 5th November, 2020.

2.    Proximity: US congressional elections are the spotlight for the whole world.

3.    No. of people: Large number of people casted their votes for elections

4.    Prominent Personalities: Joe Biden and Donald Trump

5.    Conflict: There is close competition going on between the Democrats and Republican.

6.    Human emotions: People have emotions indulge with the elections because their hope lies with the person whom they vote.

7.    Impact: Impact will be strong because US is one of the most power nations in the world.

8.    Bizarre: It was never expected that the competition would go so close.

9.    Currency: As mentioned above winner will be president of one of the strongest nation, which is why, every eye around the globe, is sticking to the US election results.

10.          Novelty: The close competition between the Democratic Party and Republican Party makes it so unique.    


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