Students protest at UMT

By: Robin Umar

Lahore: The University of Management and Technology (UMT) on Monday accepted the demand of students to online examination.

A large number of students had protested in the past two weeks against physical examination at various public and private universities in the city. On Monday the students arrived at UMT and staged a protest. A police team arrived at the scene to disperse the protesters. Students said universities were conducting online classes due to the closure of educational institutions due to the coronavirus epidemic. They said the universities had not completed the syllabus but were looking for exams on the campus. They said the institute had closed hostels and students had no accommodation. They said how could they prepare and appear in the tests in the current situation. Meanwhile, police arrived at the scene to hold talks with protesting students and UMT officials. Later, UMT Vice Chancellor Dr. Muhammad Aslam, issued orders to conduct the examinations online.



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