CCPO Lahore: Umar Sheikh


Activity: Designing open-ended questions for interviews

Umar Sheikh is a Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) in Lahore. His appointment as CCPO took place on 3 September 2020. His residence is in Lahore. His education is closely related to Cyber ​​Law. He completed Digital Forensic and Cyber ​​Law at Washington University in the USA and in England completed his MI-6 training. He has worked for seven years at the Intelligence Bureau, and for four years at the Pakistani Embassy in Washington.

After securing the position of CCPO, he held a police meeting on September 3. At that meeting, he expressed his intention to confront his IGP and, in the presence of several police officers, used abusive language and insults against IG Shoaib Dastagir and other officers.

A few days later he became a prominent figure in the media because of his disrespectful comments on a sensitive case. On September 10, 2020, a tragic accident took place on a motorway, a woman and her children were traveling on the motorway, and a gas tank was emptied. He called the traffic police for help and they directed him to call another number. 1.5 hours later, armed men dragged him and the children out of the car.

The robbers stole her jewelry, ATM cards, and raped her. CCPO Umar was asked to investigate the motorway rape case, and began its investigation against the rapist's decisions, saying the victim had to choose a less desolate route and review its fuel before embarking on its journey.

The remarks angered the nation, and people began to criticize him on social media. All the anchors, journalists, showbiz people have expressed their views on the CCPO statement and called his comments immature and non-professional. People have been demanding his resignation.

If I got a chance to interview CCPO Umar Sheikh, I would ask the following questions.

Q1. You have been appointed CCPO Lahore on 3rd September, 2020 and on the same day you called a meeting and confront your IGP and other police officers. What do you want to say about this?

Q2. You are a graduate of Washington University. Do you think that using foul language against your colleagues is best way to address on the first day? Please explain your reasons.

Q3. In the meeting you specifically pointed out IG Shoaib Dastagir. Why?

Q4. Your first case was a motorway rape case and you gave a statement without starting any investigation. Why?

Q5. Is it morally right for a police officer to give a statement without investigation? Isn’t it injustice for the victim?

Q6. You have been criticized on Social media a lot. People call your statement immature and non-professional. What do you want to say about this?

Q7. People were demanding your resignation. Don’t you think their demands were right?

Q8. If any other low ranked officer would have given this statement and you are appointed to work on the situation. How would you handle that? What would you do? 


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