Comparing the front page of English and Urdu E-Newspaper

By: Robin Umar

Date: Feb 8, 2021.

English Newspaper

Urdu Newspaper

The masthead of the English newspaper is Daily Times.

The masthead of the Urdu newspaper is Roznama Jang Lahore.

It has highlighted news at the top, a reader should know in the subheading part.  

The subheading of the newspaper is a Quranic verse.

The headline of the first news is “SC hears reference polls today.”

The headline of the first news is about the long march and dharna of the PDM.

The Byline is the News Desk

The Byline is a show of Geo ‘Jirga’ hosted by Saleem.

They have not mentioned the city or location of the incident took place.

They have mentioned that they took news from Islamabad.

It has the detailed body text.

It has the opening paragraph and rest of the details are mentioned on the other page.

There are no advertisements on the front page.

There are 2 advertisements on the front page.

There are total of 6 news mentioned on the front page with all the details.

There are total of 31 news mentioned on the front page with few of the opening details and rest of the details are mentioned on the other pages.


To compare, both of the newspapers are good in their respective behavior.

Daily time’s newspaper gave every details under the headline. It’s just like you read a story. You read the name and then what are the details. Jang Lahore gave the headline and few details. It’s like the context of the book. They have mentioned most of the important news on the front page and the details on the other page. It feels like you are reading a book. It’s like they have mentioned the topics on the front page and the details on the other page.

Daily times newspaper do not have any advertisement, whereas, Jang Lahore have 2 advertisements on the front page. I think to have advertisements on the front page is good. It makes a newspaper a bit of eye catchy. All of the text is boring. Having some pictures is good.

So to conclude, I prefer reading Urdu newspaper Roznama Jang Lahore. 



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