Citizen Journalism

Citizen Journalism

Citizen journalism is the scattering of data by individuals who are not professional journalists. Citizen journalists don't do this sort of reporting as it is their work, but of the manner in which they need to improve society. The improvement of data and correspondence advancements, particularly the Internet, has prompted the rise of citizen journalist’s coverage, which implies the dynamic function of journalists during the time spent gathering, detailing, examining and dispersing news. 

Today blog is category that most newspapers have on their own website. Citizen journalism permits you to bring in cash for the photographs and video cuts, which you usually just share on your profiles of social sites.

Example: The Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) of Punjab must have gotten away with its account of killing a wanted “terrorist” along with his assumed associates or facilitators past Saturday, if “citizen journalists” were not there.

Reference of example:


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