Joe Biden Won the White House Race


Joe Biden Won the White House Race

By: Robin Umar

Joe Biden has won the US Presidential-ship by gaining majority of electoral votes against Donald Trump. President Joe Biden vowed by saying “A time to heal” and “not to divide but to unify.”

Joe Biden won with 290 electoral votes against Donald Trump with 214 electoral votes. Biden won with a significant number in the states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. These states matters because these states voted for Trump in 2016. Trump gained votes in rural areas whereas; Biden gained votes in urban areas and suburbs. Donald Trump is about to challenge the results in several key states. Election officials said there was no evidence that the vote was rigged against him.

US President said to deal with coronavirus is his top priority. He is expected to name a 12-member coronavirus task force on Monday. He is aimed to reverse the controversial Trump policies. He will rejoin the Paris climate agreement. He will reverse the decision to depart from the World Health Organization. He will end the travel ban on citizens from seven mostly Muslim countries. 

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